
About Us

Rona Wilcox – Teacher

Hi, I am Rona Wilcox, wife, mum, nanna and teacher.  I am primary trained with a Bachelor of Education and a Diploma in teaching. I have over 35 years of teaching experience, 7 years of which , I was employed as a Visual Arts Specialist Teacher for year 0-6 students.  I am a creative person with a passion for creating visual art. I have always enjoyed creating art and sharing what I have learnt with others. It is so rewarding to see students grow in confidence while exploring and creating art.

Mel Segerstrom – Personal Assistant

Hi, I’m Mel. I’m a mama to two beautiful children and a wife to Paddy. I’m a homeschooling mum who loves to bake and be creative through decorating cakes. I love how art brings out so many different skills in people and you get so much variety from each individual artist young or old.

From Left: Rona Wilcox, Mel Segerstrom